It was 6 smting in d evening whn i woke fr my afternoon nap..Da rain stopped n i found tat da wind n da downpour had blown da soil away fr da pots in da balcony,so da scenery of my balcony was actually a mess XD..So i did da hse chores n i cleaned my room b4 i took pails of water 2 wash da balcony.For da geography n science students,dis is wad happens whn da trees r cut(My pots bear no trees at all,all of them died due 2 unknown reasons hahaha)..Thr's no roots 2 get hold of da soil n da soil flies everywhr whn da wind blows muahahaha..
So at least dis is sm form of exercise 4 me since i dun exercise AT ALL..Thn fr cold cold suddenly my body swt n i feel hot hot..Mayb tat's da reason i think im catchin sore throat,coz after tat i bathe in cold water n suddenly my body feel cold again..Rapid temperature changes hah..
At nite i went 2 fetch bro fr ttn wit dad..Da rain seemed 2 hav left a misty atmosphere in mcca as eveywhr we went we see mist........n wit da cold wind slashin my face it feels like im in genting hahaha..After tat i shared all da funny youtube stuff n Mr.Tan's kuih batik recipe wit my mum n bro..Also showed her kye wei's blog while introducin my frens on da pics..O ya,now i know how 2 display pics in my blog so dis is my class photo snapped by kye wei's gang
Da gal sittin beside tcher is me,d asst monitor(who nvr do her job hahaha)..Thn thr's a tong da monitor n ivan standin behind tcher..sad lo hav 2 leave dis class soon..Not 2 mention da fears..haiz..hope everyting turns out oklo...amitabha~
Ok 2day no quotes,juz wan 2 remind those who read 2 take care of ur health,coz nowadays so many ppl r sick..Thn i wan say particularly 2 star,take care ya dun let urself sick..N keep up wit studies lo..shun bian pass my regards 2 hong hong(tat kid in ur hse) take care k..*
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